Jonathan Blyth

The Law Of The Playground

The Law Of The Playground

A puerile and disturbing dictionary of playground insults and games


Do you look back on your school days, and remember magical times, powerful and enduring friendships, and secret adventures? Well, snap out of it. You're deluding yourself. Based on the popular website The Law of the Playground is a dictionary of the insults, games, torture, legendary anecdotes and pure creative insanity that we all - as pre-moral children -inflicted on each other. Whilst the emphasis is always on humor, the book acknowledges that children can be bastards, and begrudgingly accepts that it's, actually, very amusing. Written with dark nostalgia, and more wit and substance than average, everyone can find something they will identify with in The Law of the Playground. A timely antidote to the rose-tinted view of childhood offered by and