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“I teach in a school where the majority of students are from a White British background and where the curriculum is crying out for more diversity. Students' cultural awareness is one of the key ingredients that they can draw upon to be successful in their society. Students need to be given rich and sustained opportunities to develop their understanding of other cultures."
Chase Terrace Academy
Teachers: you play a unique role in inspiring a lifelong love of reading.
We recognise that many teachers are under considerable pressure and have to juggle a wide range of responsibilities, as well as adapting to significant curriculum change over the last few years - and more recently the extraordinary impact of COVID-19.
That’s why a core part of Lit in Colour is a commitment from Penguin to a long-term programme of practical support for teachers and school librarians, including book donations, training and free digital resources.
Read the report
Explore the findings of our research below, which includes specific recommendations for teachers, teacher training providers, and school leaders. The research looked into the current state of English literature education for Key Stages 2-5, the barriers preventing more texts by Black, Asian and minority ethnic writers being taught in schools, and what needs to change.
10 min version
Lit in Colour report
Full report
Lit in Colour report
Start a discussion about what needs to change in your school
Download an editable PowerPoint with some of the headline findings of the research and prompts for discussion. Perfect for raising the issue with your Senior Leadership Team, or sharing in your English departmental meeting.
You can also download a tool to audit what is currently taught across your English literature curriculum.
Tools for secondary schools
Editable presentation
Download the secondary schools editable presentation
Auditing tool
Download the secondary schools auditing tool
Tools for primary schools
Editable presentation
Download the primary schools editable presentation
Download auditing tool
Download the primary schools auditing tool
If you’re a teacher, sign up to receive more information about Lit in Colour, including how to share your views and access to book donations and resources.
Visit our free teaching resources hub
Explore our teaching resources for ages, which we’re adding to all the time. This includes a recommended reading list by Key Stage including books by Penguin and other publishers, and interactive lesson plans including author videos from Bernardine Evaristo and Avni Doshi.