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Tanmaya George

Goddess Meditations

Goddess Meditations

Daily practices to awaken & nurture the divine feminine


Welcome, sister.

From Artemis to Isis, Athena to Aphrodite, goddesses throughout time can teach us how to access our divine feminine and nurture our feminine energy.

The voices of the goddesses speak to us through time. We can connect to them and to ourselves, When we are truly connected to ourselves, we can build a field of positive energy that effects everyone around us.

Through seven unique guided meditations and practices, certified Guide and Healer in the King Solomon Lineage Tanmaya George empowers you to connect with your inner being, quiet outside voices, and unleash the goddess within.

Introduction: Why these practices?
Chapter 1: Embodied Presence
· The goddess is here, embodied presence
· Practice: Embodied Presence
· Goddess Archetype: Lakshmi
· Guided Self-Inquiry
Chapter 2: Selfcare and Healing with the Great Mother
· Building your inner resources, and why it matters
· Practice: Selfcare
· Goddess Archetype: Gaia the Earth Mother
· Practice: Journey with Gaia
Chapter 3: Empowerment and the Warrior Goddess
· Who is the Wariorress?
· Goddess Archetype: Durgha
· Practice: Connecting to the inner warrior goddess with Durgha
· Goddess Archetype: Kali
· Practice: Guided self-inquiry
Chapter 4: Sisterhood and Community
· Introduction
· Practice: The healing of sisterhood
· Practice: Guided self-inquiry
Chapter 5: The 7 Keys of Goddess
Chapter 6: About the Mystery Traditions