Dawna Walter

De-junk Your Mind

De-junk Your Mind

Simple Solutions for Positive Living


Like physical clutter in your home, mental clutter slowly creeps up over the years without you even noticing. It starts with attitudes you learn as a child and is compounded by habits that develop over time.

Luckily, it's easier than you might think to 'de-junk' your mind. By assessing your attitudes, beliefs and habits, you can easily identify the ones that are holding you back.

This book will empower you with:
- Exercises to gain confidence and let go of unwanted feelings
- Strategies for replacing negative thought patterns with positive thinking
- Communication techniques that will help you speak up and achieve your goals
- Ways to keep things in perspective and look for solutions rather than problems

De-Junk Your Mind is packed with practical exercises and a big dose of tough love - it's time to take the plunge and change life for the better... now! You have the power to choose to focus on the thoughts that motivate you rather than drag you down, and once you begin to shed the mental clutter you will feel lighter, more energetic, and ready to face each new day for all that it has to offer.