Doctor Who: Extra Time

Doctor Who: Extra Time


In Extra Time, the Eleventh Doctor and his friends head to the 1966 World Cup final. While the Doctor and Amy discover that the Time Lord isn't the only alien visiting Wembley, Rory finds himself playing a crucial role in this historic England vs. West Germany football match . . .

About the author

Richard Dungworth

Richard has written over forty books for children and began his writing career as an in-house author, working on non-fiction, first at Usborne Publishing, and later at Ladybird Books. Since going freelance, he has created original stories to support a wide range of exciting licensed properties such as Doctor Who; Wallace and Gromit; Transformers; MI High; Captain Scarlet and The Incredibles. Richard lives in Leicestershire with his wife and two young children. Richard's rather unfortunate surname comes from a village in South Yorkshire, where his ancestors lived. It means 'a dwelling with dried cow pats for roofing'. Lovely.
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