Dear World, How Are You?

Two years ago, seven-year-old Toby decided he'd like to write to someone in every country, to find out more about the world we live in. With his mum's encouragement, he set about hand-writing letters to research scientists in Antarctica, game-keepers in Chad and to a very famous South African president . . . Nearly everyone he wrote to responded, sometimes sending photos, recipes or drawings, telling Toby a little about where they lived - how they lived, what food they ate, what school was like, and, importantly for Toby (as someone very interested in dinosaurs), whether there were fossils in their country. This book is the result, bringing together the huge variety of replies that Toby received. Charming, touching and fascinating, this is a book that shows that the world is only as big as your imagination and that it is full of potential friends, waiting to be discovered, no matter where you live . . .

About Toby Little

When five-year-old Toby asked his mum, "Can I write a letter to the world?" she never imagined that a little summer project would turn into a two-year challenge, leading to news stories across the globe. Toby has now written, with the help of his mum, Sabine, letters to all 193 countries, and all the US states. Toby loves learning at school and is keen on archaeology, history and, particularly, fossils.
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • ISBN: 9781405924535
  • Length: 352 pages
  • Price: £7.99