Beyond Toddlerdom

Keeping five- to twelve-year-olds on the rails

First there was the Toddler Taming phenomenon - now this is the sequel every parent has been waiting for...

Dr Christopher Green has written Beyond Toddlerdom for all those parents in need of calm and wise advice on parenting the 5-12 year age group. The 5-12s have to face a number of developmental hurdles. They become aware of the world outside the home. They will start school, make friends, take up hobbies and develop personal interests. They may move house, may live through a parental divorce, and will develop personality patterns that will stay with them for life. It is an important time.

Writing with his usual humourous, practical and down-to earth style, Chris Green draws on his many years of expertise as a paediatrician, father and grandfather to enable parents to understand their child's needs and development during their pre-teen years. He takes full account of all the physical, psychological and sociological influences that are of importance during this time - and helps parents to make appropriate decisions about everything from friends to homework, sibling rivalry to positive discipline.

Beyond Toddlerdom is the ideal companion to Chris Green's Toddler Taming 'bible' and is a must for every parent.
Dr Green is nothing short of a genius...Toddlerdom is a minefield, but his common sense and unfailing good humour guided my family through unscathed - well, relatively

About Christopher Green

Dr Christopher Green is one of Britain's best-known parenting authors. For more than 25 years he has helped parents with his advice on babies, toddlers and young children. His humorous, common sense approach has preserved the sanity of many mums and dads. A paediatrician and honorary consultant to the Children's Hospital, Sydney, Dr Green's legendary sleep technique is now used worldwide. His bestselling books include New Toddler Taming and Beyond Toddlerdom.
  • Imprint: Vermilion
  • ISBN: 9780091816247
  • Length: 288 pages
  • Dimensions: 225mm x 21mm x 153mm
  • Weight: 362g
  • Price: £15.99
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