
A Key to Personality

Here is a book for beginners wanting simple instructions on how to interpret a chart, as well as for old hands seeking fresh perspectives, it offers a unique system of self-discovery.

Traditionally, astrological texts deal with interpretations of behaviour without worrying about causes. But Jeff Mayo recognized that astrology shows us not only the roots of our behaviour - our response to stress, our survival instincts and our ambitions - but also our potential to achieve fulfilment and reach our goals.

His book takes the reader on an exciting adventure of exploration and discovery by which we understand our 'root-being'. Mayo, with forty years' experience in the field, believed astrology is coming of age as a psychological tool rather than a guide to the future, and that it is only a matter of time before it is accepted as the basis for a reconstructed study of human psyche.

About Jeff Mayo

  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • ISBN: 9781446458549
  • Length: 464 pages
  • Price: £8.99
All editions