Love Sick

Here, leading clinical psychologist, Dr Frank Tallis, explores our age-old preoccupation with love and in particular romantic love. Love is rarely described as a wholly pleasant experience and Tallis considers our experiences and descriptions of love and why the combinations of pleasure and pain, ecstasy and despair, rapture and grief have come to characterise what we mean when we speak about falling in love. Obsessive thoughts, erratic mood swings, insomnia, loss of appetite, recurrent and persistent images and impulses (irresistible urges to phone or text), superstitious or ritualistic compulsions (she loves me, she loves me not), inability to concentrate - so much so that it affects your work, delusion, (are his eyes really deep pools of oceanic azure?). Exhibiting just five or six of these symptoms is enough to merit a diagnosis of Major Depressive Episode, according to the recognized medical criteria. Drawing on the writings of poets, philosophers, songwriters, zoologists and scientists Tallis shows how throughout time - and particularly in the West, the metaphor of illness and specifically mental illness has been used to describe the state of being in love. And asks why it is that we continue to search out this kind of love, with the ecstasy seeming to blind us to the agony.
Love, far from being benign and sweet, is, in fact, the closest many of us get to experience mental illness
Mail on Sunday

About Frank Tallis

Frank Tallis is a writer and clinical psychologist. In 1999 he received a Writers' Award from the Arts Council and in 2000 he won the New London Writers' Award. Mortal Mischief was shortlisted for the Ellis Peters Historical Dagger Award in 2005 and for the prestigious Quais du Polar award in France, 2007. Vienna Blood was published in 2006 and Fatal Lies in 2007, both to great acclaim. Titles in the Liebermann series have been translated into fourteen languages.
  • Imprint: Cornerstone Digital
  • ISBN: 9781409065715
  • Length: 336 pages
  • Price: £3.99
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