The Secret of Life, Fully Revised and Updated

James Watson, the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA and author of the international bestseller The Double Helix, tells the story of the amazing molecule since its discovery fifty years ago, following modern genetics from his own Nobel prize-winning work in the fifties to today's Dolly the sheep, designer babies and GM foods. Professor Watson introduces the science of modern genetics, along with its history and its implications, in this magnificent guide to one of the most triumphant achievements of human science.
An immediate classic.
E. O. Wilson

About James Watson

James Watson won the Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine in 1962. He is the author of a number of books, including the international bestseller The Double Helix and DNA: The Secret of Life. He lives in the US.
  • Imprint: Cornerstone Digital
  • ISBN: 9781407096247
  • Length: 512 pages
  • Price: £9.49