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A Life Stripped Bare

A Life Stripped Bare

My Year Trying To Live Ethically


How often in life does convenience triumph over 'doing the right thing? And what is 'ethical living' anyway? When it comes down to it, most people fight shy of giving up their cars, or their toxic household products, their cheap washing machines, or dodgy, unethical bank accounts in order to make the world a better place. So Leo Hickman, resident consumer expert of the Guardian, decided to give it a try. Over the course of a year, he and his family set out to discover whether it was possible to live a 'normal life' - job, mortgage, kids, holidays - while at the same time making each daily choice or decision an 'ethical' one - for the family, their neighbours and the environment. This the story of that year, is a record of an extraordinary transformation. Amid the pitfalls and confusion, Leo's account is funny, inspirational and a mine of information for the curious.


  • Not a preachy guide but the diary of a struggle - through the myriad uses of bicarbonate of soda; instructions for assembling a wormery and a visit from three ethical auditors... There are plenty of facts and a selection of helpful letters - like the inspiring one from a woman who crochets her own dishcloths...
    Carol McDaid, Observer

About the author

Leo Hickman

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