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Horseshoes And Holy Water

Horseshoes And Holy Water


The lure of a long-distance ride leads Mefo Phillips to team up with her sister Susie and their spotted Appaloosa horses Leo, a flirt with a passion for Mars Bars, and affectionate, gluttonous Apollo, for a pilgrimage down the medievil Way of St.James from Canterbury to Spain. The lure of a map of European glof courses entices Mefo's husband Peter to follow them in a rackety old horsebox...
Slowed by thunderstorms, vertigo, worn-out horseshoes and a variety of eccentric farmers, it's boiling midsummer by the time they reach the Castilian plains after a meander across lush springtime France. With 1,700 miles, four mountain ranges, and encounters with galloping goats, nude pilgrims, rampant donkeys and a fountain of red wine behind them , horses and humans are inseparable by the time they reach Santiago and the suddenly daunting prospect of a trundle in the horsebox back to England and a normal life.

About the author

Mefo Phillips

Poet, rider and sailor Mefo Phillips took a sabatical from the day job working in criminal law to pursue a dream. Now hooked on adventure, she's looking for another.
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