Man of the World

Man of the World


In his brilliant first book, 150 Things Every Man Should Know, Gareth May instructed the young man about town in vital life lessons such as how to undo a girl's bra with one hand, and how to down a pint without being sick.

All well and good. But there comes a time in most young men's lives when, their education completed, they decide to spread their wings and travel to foreign climes.

From international dining etiquette to the safe ascension of Kilimanjaro, and surviving a shark attack to cooling cans of beer in the Savanna sun, Gareth's simple and brilliantly executed new book is a must-have for the modern man setting off, passport in hand, for the first time.

Covering every possible travel scenario - from must-visit nudist colonies, to tips on how to organise the ultimate stag weekend abroad; from where to experience the most exhilarating white water raft run in the world, to how to get married by an Elvis-lookalike in Vegas - never before has a book listed how to read global currency rates on one page, and how to drink snake blood in Cambodia on the next.

With comprehensive cool city guides for the young dude and the most unexpected travel tips you're likely to read anywhere, armed with Man of the World in their backpack, blokes everywhere will be able not only to woo their woman in Paris but also tip the bellboy accordingly. This is the ultimate tailored for testosterone travel guide.


  • Gareth May’s follow-up to 150 Things Every Man Should Know revolves around travel tips for the adventurous chap abroad. So, should you be getting married by an Elvis lookalike in Vegas or climbing Kilimanjaro or even looking to sample snake blood in Cambodia, this is your essential manual
    The List

About the author

Gareth May

Gareth May is an author, humourist, part-time stand-up comic and minor internet celebrity. His first book, 150 Things Every Man Should Know, was selected as one of the best books of the year by the Independent on Sunday and has been published in the USA, Russia and China. May's international travel guide for young chaps, Man of the World, was published in 2012. His humorous but informative videos have garnered more than 300,000 views on YouTube, in spite of a ban for his ergonomically challenging, self-administered 'Back, sack and crack' vid - thankfully, the tape has since been destroyed. Devonshire born and bred, he now lives in London.
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