A Haunted House

The Complete Shorter Fiction

'The window panes reflected apples, reflected roses; all the leaves were green in the glass'

Nowhere are Virginia Woolf's daring experimentations with style and form more evident than in her short stories, which shimmer and flash with their author's peculiar genius. Collected by Leonard Woolf and published after her death, this is a complete collection of Virginia Woolf's shorter fiction. It is a fascinating and vivid introduction for readers new to Woolf, and a necessary companion for devotees.

Includes 'A Haunted House', 'Kew Gardens', 'A Mark on the Wall' and 42 other pieces.

Edited, with introductions and notes by Susan Dick.

Here is the precursor of the experiments which are to fill her future novels, where the writer will evaporate and condense solid objects over her literary Bunsen burner in solutions of time or light
Helen Simpson, from her introduction

About Virginia Woolf

Virginia Woolf, born in 1882, was the major novelist at the heart of the inter-war Bloomsbury Group. Her early novels include The Voyage Out, Night and Day and Jacob's Room. Between 1925 and 1931 she produced her finest masterpieces, including Mrs Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando and the experimental The Waves. Her later novels include The Years and Between the Acts, and she also maintained an astonishing output of literary criticism, journalism and biography, including the passionate feminist essay A Room of One's Own. Suffering from depression, she drowned herself in the River Ouse in 1941.
  • Imprint: Vintage Digital
  • ISBN: 9781448182121
  • Length: 336 pages
  • Price: £3.99
All editions