Do No Harm

Everyone knows about Virginia: about her stellar reputation as a gynaecologist; about her commitment to her women patients. But does anyone know about the knives?

Everyone knows about Faisal too: about his gentle charm and his delight in his family; about his brilliance in the operating theatre. But does anyone know he's a traitor?

And Gilda - everyone knows about Gilda: knows that she never poops a party; that she struts about town with her cackling posse; that she's a loyal friend. But does anyone know about the rubber?

But there's someone who really does know Virginia, who knows all about her because they've been this close from birth. Someone who knows what she does when they're alone together. What they do with the rosewood box. With the belts. Who knows that good doctors can go bad.

Just as she did in Monster Love, her brilliant debut about a horrible crime in a harmless setting, Carol Topolski goes behind the busy routine of a hospital to build a dark, compelling portrait of a good, upright life going horribly wrong...

About Carol Topolski

Carol Topolski is a practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Her many previous roles include music festival organiser, advertising executive, teacher, nursery school director, director of a rape crisis centre and refuge for battered women, probation officer and film censor. She lives in London and is married with two daughters.
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • ISBN: 9780141966847
  • Length: 336 pages
  • Price: £3.99
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