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Agent Z

by 4 books in this series
#1 - Agent Z Goes Wild
#1 - Agent Z Goes Wild
Ben's in danger of spending his holidays cooped up in a caravan with his mad Aunt Gwen. But by luck (and bribery), he gets a place on the school trip to an outward-bound centre in Wales, along with Barney, Jenks and of course, Agent Z. Abseiling, orienteering, sinking enemy canoes and sabotaging toothpaste are all in a day's work for the Crane Grove Crew. But then they uncover a news clipping which reveals that their centre manager, the affectionately nicknamed 'Grenade-head', is in fact an escaped bank robber. He's planning to recover the buried loot any night now and Agent Z and the crew intend to be there when he does. If you think that sounds like a downright ridiculous plan, you'd be right. Especially as the escaped criminal story turns out to be the invention of the crew's new pal, Roz and for once, the joke's on them! Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.
#2 - Agent Z Meets The Masked Crusader
#2 - Agent Z Meets The Masked Crusader
Ben's a born daydreamer. He's much rather be in the Sahara, or on a Viking ship than sitting in a boring maths lesson. Then Agent Z appears on the scene - and THAT means secret missions, cunning plans and careful strategies. And soon Ben and his friends, Barney and Jenks, realize that life on planet earth is RATHER exciting after all!
#3 - Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars
#3 - Agent Z And The Penguin From Mars
Pools winner and total wazzock, Dennis Sidebottom has moved next door to Ben - bringing his squeaky-clean kids with him. The Crane Grove Crew - Ben, Barney and Jenks - soon find themselves on the Sidebottom blacklist. Accused of being troublemakers and a bad influence, they decide to shake up the Sidebottom universe with the help of Agent Z, a meteorite and a stolen penguin. It's Agent Z's finest hour! Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.
#4 - Agent Z and the Killer Bananas
#4 - Agent Z and the Killer Bananas
Ben's repulsive cousin, T.J., comes to stay. He discovers an incriminating videotape of Agent Z activities and blackmails Ben into becoming his slave.Meanwhile, Ben, Jenks and Barney embark on their first film, entitled Invasion of the Killer Bananas, in which T.J. unwittingly has a starring role. When T.J. disappears, however, the film points towards Ben, Jenks and Barney as murder suspects!In an attempt to clear their names, the boys use all the cunning of Agent Z to try and lure T.J. home and into the hands of the police . . .Mark Haddon has a sharp understanding of what makes children tick, and they will delight in the ever more daring, ever more hilarious missions of Agent Z and his three creators.

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