The NUMA Files

13 books in this series
As head of the US National Underwater and Maritime Agency's Special Assignment's Team, Kurt Austin is no stranger to danger - above or below the waves. Kurt's global assignments often bring him head to head with dastardly attempts to use the world's resources for evil, but he's never failed a mission yet.
Fast Ice
Fast Ice
A research ship is adrift off the coast of Antarctica...

Weeks earlier, one of the crew messaged NUMA claiming to have made a world-shattering discovery. Followed by silence. Despatched to the icy waters Kurt Austin finds a sinking ship, crew murdered, vessel ransacked - and one research scientist missing.

What was discovered? Who wanted it badly enough to kill everyone? And where did they vanish to?

One way or another, Kurt's heading for Antarctica to learn the truth. Because someone is preparing to turn this secret discovery into a weapon of chilling power - unless Kurt finds them first...
Journey of the Pharaohs
Journey of the Pharaohs

When Kurt Austin rescues the crew of a Scottish trawler, he finds himself trying to save them not once but twice. First, from the violent storm that dashes their vessel into jagged rocks and, second, from the deadly gunmen desperate to get their hands on its lost cargo of stolen Egyptian artefacts.

Soon Kurt - with the assistance of resourceful MI5 agent Morgan Manning - is on the hunt for the source of these artefacts. It's a journey that takes them around the world and draws the fury of the mysterious Bloodstone group - an international network of murderous individuals who'll kill anyone in their way. But what do gunmen want with ancient loot?

One thing is for sure, if Kurt is to find out he's going to be in the cross hairs of some ruthless and well-armed foes . . .
Sea of Greed
Sea of Greed
The world's oil supply is vanishing, the stock market is plummeting, and the key to saving the future seems to be a baffling historical mystery. Can the NUMA crew crack it in time?

After an explosion in the Gulf of Mexico destroys three oil rigs trying to revive a dying field, Kurt Austin and the NUMA Special Projects Team are tapped by the President of the United States to find out what's gone wrong. The trail leads them to a brilliant billionaire in the alternative energy field. Her goal is the end of the oil age; her company has spent billions developing the worlds' most advanced fuel-cell systems. But is she an environmental hero...or a rogue genetic engineer?

The NUMA crew discovers that the oil fields are infected with a bacteria that is consuming the oil before it can be pumped out of the earth-a bacteria originally lost decades ago when two submarines vanished in the Mediterranean.

With hired killers on his trail, can Kurt Austin locate a submarine that's remained hidden for more than fifty years? And even if he can, can the biological terror that's been unleashed be stopped?
The Rising Sea
The Rising Sea
A global threat
The world's sea levels are rising at an alarming rate, too quickly to be caused by glacier melt. A risk so big it sends Kurt Austin, Zoe Zavala and the NUMA team rocketing around the world in search for answers.

A desperate mission
Their hunt takes them from the shark-filled waters of Asia, to the high-tech streets of Tokyo, to a forbidden secret island, but it's in the East China Sea that a mysterious underwater mining operation is discovered.

A devastating endgame
Kurt uncovers a plot more dangerous than they could have imagined: a plan to upset the Pacific balance of power, threatening the lives of millions. It falls to the NUMA team to risk everything to stop it and save the world from the coming catastrophe.
A gripping, action-packed and suspense-filled tale that treks from the Galapagos Islands, to jungles of South America, to the icy birth-place of the Inca people.

A missing aircraft
Flying over the South Pacific, the most technologically advanced spacecraft ever built vanishes into thin air. Extremely valuable, both China and Russia would kill for the state-of-the-art machine.

An unstable cargo
Kurt Austin and the NUMA team are drawn into a stealthy race to locate the wreck. Only the United States know that waiting in its debris is a payload of exotic matter, stripped from the outermost reaches of the atmosphere.

A devastating weapon
Kept at absolute zero, the matter is so unstable that it could obliterate the face of the earth if allowed to thaw. In a race they can't lose, the NUMA team will risk everything to stop the world's most dazzling research from being the very thing that destroys it. Humanity's fate depends on them.
The Pharaoh's Secret
The Pharaoh's Secret


Buried deep beneath the Saharan desert is a secret - an ancient elixir so powerful that it is rumoured to take life from the living and restore it to the dead.


Off a remote island, a mysterious ship releases a deadly poison. Minutes later everyone on the island is dead.

Responding to a distress call, Kurt Austin and the NUMA team struggle to understand what has caused this disaster. As they investigate the incident further they uncover a far greater threat.


Now Kurt Austin must learn the secrets of the past if he is to save millions from a horrifying death. But it is a desperate race against time. And he faces a deadly enemy, who will stop at nothing . . .
Ghost Ship
Ghost Ship
When Kurt Austin is injured while rescuing the passengers and crew of a sinking yacht, he wakes up with conflicting memories of what he saw. Did he witness an old friend and her children drown, or was the yacht abandoned when he came aboard?

For reasons he cannot explain - yet - Kurt doesn't trust either version of his recollection.

Determined to seek out the truth, in his hunt for answers, he soon descends into a shadowy world of state-sponsored cybercrime, where he uncovers a pattern of suspicious accidents, vanishing scientists and a web of human trafficking.

Now, he must take on the sinister organization behind this conspiracy, facing off against them from Morocco to North Korea to the rugged coasts of Madagascar.

But where this highly dangerous quest will ultimately take him, even he could not begin to guess...
Zero Hour
Zero Hour
Attempting to save a man in a speedboat from a sniper swooping in by helicopter, Kurt Austin lands himself in trouble with the Australian secret service. Though he gives them their only clue - 'Tartarus', the last word of a dying man - Kurt is brusquely warned off. Intrigued and never one to ignore a mystery he is soon on the trail of a crazed scientist hellbent on unleashing a deadly destructive force: machines capable of triggering earthquakes.

Now Austin must assemble the NUMA team. Their mission? To find and stop this madman before he tears the world apart.
Lost City
Lost City
Kurt Austin's toughest assignment yet ...

The discovery of a body frozen for ninety years in a glacier high in the French Alps seems of unlikely concern to Kurt Austin and the NUMA Special Projects team. But when those on site are trapped in alpine tunnels flooding with glacial meltwater, Austin can hardly ignore a cry for help. And this near tragedy proves to be no mere accident. For the body held a secret. A secret someone was prepared to kill for.

Soon Austin is plunged into a mystery involving a virulent algal weed ravaging the Atlantic's Lost City trench, while he and the team face a family of astonishing greed - who will stop at nothing to get what they want ...
White Death
White Death
When a confrontation between a radical enivironmental group and a Danish cruiser off the Faroe Islands sinks a ship, trapping her crew beneath the waves, Kurt Austin of NUMA is immediately called to the rescue. Investigating the collision, Austin uncovers a trail of sabotage that leads to a sinister multinational corporation seeking control of the waves. When he is almost killed for his trouble, Austin knows that this is one organization that will let nothing stand in its way. But with an environmental disaster underway, the clock is ticking for Austin and the NUMA team ...
Fire Ice
Fire Ice
Kurt Austin, leader of NUMA's Special Assignment Team, faces a new menace, in the form of a mining tycoon who has proclaimed himself Czar of Russia. Claiming Romanov ancestry and backed by billions of dollars, he is determined to overthrow the already-shaky Russian goverment - and US opposition doesn't bother him one bit.
Polar Shift
Polar Shift
Polar Shift: It is the name for a phenomenon that may have occurred many times in the past. At its weakest, it disorients birds and animals and damages electrical equipment. At its worst, it causes massive eruptions, earthquakes and climatic changes. At its very worst, it would mean the obliteration of all living matter...

Sixty years ago, an eccentric Hungarian genius discovered how to artificially trigger such a shift, but then his work disappeared, or so it was thought. Now, the charismatic leader of an anti-globalization group plans to use it to give the world's industrialized nations a small jolt, before reversing the shift back again. The only problem is, it can't be reversed. Once it starts, there is nothing anyone can do.

Austin, Zavala and the rest of the NUMA Special Assignments Team have certainly faced dire situations before, but never have they encountered anything like this.

This time even they may be too late.
Clive Cussler’s Desolation Code
Clive Cussler’s Desolation Code
Kurt Austin and the NUMA crew face swarms of deadly bio-hacked sea locusts, a runaway AI system, and a sinister cult in the latest novel in the #1 New York Times-bestselling series created by the “grand master of adventure” Clive Cussler.

When Kurt Austin and Joe Zavala investigate a mass stranding of aquatic life in the Indian Ocean, they accidentally uncover a much deeper mystery. A strange figure soon steals NUMA’s findings, forcing a high-speed chase—someone really didn’t want them examining those dead whales. But who, and why?

A cryptic text through the NUMA satellite network makes things still stranger: these odd phrases and numbers look like NUMA codes. But who could be tantalizing the crew with such specific knowledge of their tech? Are they being helped by an old friend, or lured into a trap by a traitor who knows a little too much about NUMA’s inner workings?

Kurt, Joe, and even Max, the agency’s supercomputer, will have to investigate like never before as they decrypt data, infiltrate a cult of cloned men, and prepare for a battle on two very different planes: one physical; one digital.

The aquatic stranding was just the beginning of a sinister plan concocted by a mind more brilliant than any they’ve ever faced—the mind of a machine. A new, terrifying world order is being plotted. First marine ecosystems will be devastated, then the entire globe’s . . .Unless the NUMA crew can stop this code of desolation.

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