
One Man. Seven Kings. England's Bloody Throne.

I have broken my vows. I have murdered innocents. I have trod down the soil over their dead face with my bare heels, and only the moon as witness. I have loved a woman and she ruined me. I have loved a king and yet I ruined him.

The year is 937. England is a nation divided, ruled by minor kings and Viking lords. Each vies for land and power. The Wessex king Æthelstan, grandson of Alfred the Great, is readying himself to throw a spear into the north.

Behind him stands Dunstan, the man who will control the destiny of the next seven kings of England, and the fate of an entire nation.

Welcome to the original game for the English throne.
One of the most interesting historical novels of recent times
The Tablet

About Conn Iggulden

CONN IGGULDEN is one of the most successful authors of historical fiction writing today, with bestselling series on Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and the Wars of the Roses, as well as two stand-alone novels: Dunstan, set in the red-blooded world of tenth-century England, and The Falcon of Sparta, in which Iggulden returns to the Ancient World. Both instalments of his Athenian series, ­The Gates of Athens and Protector, and his recent Golden Age series, Lion and Empire, are Sunday Times bestsellers. Nero, and instant Sunday Times bestseller, begins a new trilogy following the life of Rome's most notorious emperor.
  • Imprint: Penguin
  • ISBN: 9781405921503
  • Length: 480 pages
  • Price: £4.99
All editions