Quiet Your Mind

How to Quieten Upsetting Thoughts and Regain Inner Harmony

Psychologist, teacher and therapist, John Selby, shows how the non-stop chatter of our minds and our own fear-based thoughts so easily catch us up in negative, destructive mindsets such as irritation, worry, impatience, guilt, inadequacy, hostility, shame and despair. Quiet Your Mind provides an easily-accessible toolbox for rising above harmful thoughts and regaining inner peace, by shifting at will into a special 'quiet mind' state of awareness where reflective thinking stops and true, spontaneous enjoyment of life begins.
"a wonderful new book...it's practical and very easy to understand....accessible and fascinating"
You Magazine, Mail on Sunday

About John Selby

  • Imprint: Ebury Digital
  • ISBN: 9781446459508
  • Length: 256 pages
  • Price: £7.99
All editions